Is your business already listed on our site? To find out, type the name of your business in this search box. If a matching listing appears, click on it. If there are no matching listings, you can add a listing.

While on the listing detail page, click the “Claim Listing” button, and fill out a brief form. Once your claim has been approved, the listing will show “Claimed By”, and your profile picture, next to the business name.

Claim Listing Image 

My Listings


Data not is available for guest user.Please log in, to view your listings.

You can use our pre-made contest ad materials, or use our generator to create your own Banner Ads, and Buttons, to include in your website, social media and email.

Standard Contest Ad Banners

The following banners are provided in standard digital ad sizes.

728×90 “Leaderboard” Banner


Voting Instruction Flyers

Click on any of the following images, to download and print contest voting instructions, to display at your business.